Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BBQ and Car Wash Fundraiser

Half a chicken, baked beans, potato salad, and a brownie...is your mouth watering yet?

Leander is all grins as he poses with our hostesses for the day-Judith Pieretti and Anne Smoak.

The serving line stayed busy the whole 3- I mean, 4 or 5- hours!

838 dinners later, and we have completed our May 8th BBQ fundraiser! We thought the plates would never stop coming down that serving line, but we were grateful for the work. A simple thank you doesn't seem sufficient for all the helping hands that volunteered this past Saturday. Your time and talents are greatly appreciated. From the meal prep, to line serving, to clean-up and dish duty, to car washing- your work didn't go unnoticed! It wouldn't have been possible without the many people who contributed. And we can't forget to extend a special thank you to Pat and Ella Meyers of Pat's BBQ for allowing us to use their restaurant (and all that water for the car wash). What a beautiful thing to watch God's people- from all backgrounds and denominations- work together to benefit His kingdom. This is what it's all about!

To date, we have raised $23,458.00 (all expenses paid) for the "Just One More" project through donations, boat drawing tickets, and the BBQ fundraiser and car wash.

Don't forget to check out our upcoming fundraising events in the fundraising tab at the top! We look forward to seeing you there.

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