Meeting Notes

Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting

March 22, 2011

Board members present: Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Tom Wrenn, Walt Kohl, Leander Collette, Lou Canevari, Maurice Wilson, & Keith Campbell

Board members absent: Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed, Terry Weaver & Mike Bevis
Others attending: None
Meeting commenced 7:18 pm
Scott opened the meeting in prayer.

JOM Update:

Fundraising – Discussion started first on the fundraising aspects for the JOM project.

Dessert Social/Auction – An initial committee planning meeting has been scheduled for 7:00 PM March 29 at FBCLP to lay the groundwork for the event. Everyone was to invite their wives to the meeting as well as contacting Kathy Myers, Kathy Freeman, and Jeannie Snively and any others who could help us plan and make this a great event. I have contacted Jeannie and she will be at the meeting. Scott/Keith will the fellowship Hall be available for the meeting?

Golf - We are looking at tentatively setting the date of the 2nd Annual Kingdom Builders Golf Tournament for July 9th. I have a call into Travis at Placid Lakes CC to reserve that date.

Concrete Blocks – Our “Changing Lives One Block At A Time” fundraiser has sold just under 750 blocks of the 2,800 needed. Keep thinking of ways to reinvigorate this fundraiser.

Financial Update – God continues to amaze us with His generosity and timing of financial gifts. In the offering plate this past Sunday at FBCLP was a $2,500 check for the JOM project.

House Plans – Thanks be to God for placing Grif Broach & Bud Whitlock into our Kingdom Builders family! Grif has gone above and beyond once again and done a fabulous job with the initial plan and then tweaking it a few times for us. Bud then copied and provided us with the necessary sets of plans so that we could get the plans out to our vendors and contractors.

Construction – #11030023 THE BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER! God is Great! Thanks to Tom Wrenn for all of his hard work in obtaining the permit! Things are quickly falling into place as we should have electric and water in place within the week. The water meter box currently on the site has to be moved to the property line since its current location is where the driveway will be. The soil perk test for the septic was done and the house pad elevations should be determined any day.

Steve Blount is chomping at the bit to get fill on the site and get the grade done. Mike Bevis Sr. has once again graciously agreed to do the foundation pour and finish. We will need to dig the footers and clean-up the form boards. Jahna Concrete has given us the base cost for all the concrete materials (around $18,000). The Jahna family is getting together over the next few days to see how they can help us out. Keep them in your prayers. Maurice is to check with Eddie Williams, Derrick Robinson and Mr. Kemp concerning the block laying. Tom Wrenn mentioned he has a high-quality left hand tub/shower surround to donate to the project which may work well in the guest room.

Please continue to pray daily for the JOM project, for the Campbell family for allowing us to play a small part in all of this, for all of our donors, for all of our contractors and vendors, and most importantly to Thank God that through His Love and Grace His most precious of children will be Loved and Cared for in a way that most of us cannot fathom.

JOM Mailbox-There were a couple of notes in the mailbox over the last week which were discussed and prayed over.

The meeting was closed with group prayer.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes. If they should need to be amended I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of April 5, 2011. Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 5th.

Stephen Davis

Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
November 16, 2010

Board members present:  Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Tom Wrenn, Walt Kohl, Leander Collette, Lou Canevari, Mike Bevis, Maurice Wilson, & Keith Campbell

Board members absent: Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed & Terry Weaver

Others attending:  None

Meeting commenced 7:15 pm
 Leander opened the meeting in prayer.

JOM Update

§       Financial Update – Scott reported that the current balance in the account is approximately $76,000.  This is around $10,000 less than what we anticipated in the account as some donations were counted more than once. God has truly blessed this project so far and I am confident He will show up in a big way once we start to break ground.

§       House Plans – Floor plan has pretty well been decided upon.  Will continue to work on roof lines, exterior window layout, elevations etc.
·       Fundraising - There was discussion that one way would be to sell concrete blocks.  It would give everyone (including children) an opportunity to support the project with a minimal outlay.  Discussion on pricing ranged from a low of $1 (bare block) to a high of $5 (would include cost to lay, stucco and paint).   Should there be a raffle of some sort?

The meeting was closed with group prayer.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes.  If they should need to be amended I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of November 30, 2010.  Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 30th.

Stephen Davis
Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
September 21, 2010

Board members present:  Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Mike Bevis, Leander Collette and Walt Kohl
Board members absent: Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed, Terry Weaver, Keith Campbell, Tom Wrenn, Lou Canevari and Maurice Wilson
Others attending:  None
Meeting commenced

JOM Update:
Discussion centered on an update of the house plans in that a few changes to the layout have been discussed and that the final layout was close to being finalized.  Walt was going to touch base with Tim Sheehan’s office to see when the closing documents would be ready.   The Jackson’s are thought to still be out of town thus the closing will more than likely happen very quickly once they return.  

There was discussion on the $20,000 challenge.  We currently have $11,825 of the $20,000 in matching funds so be sure to keep this in your prayers so that God will show up in a big way!     

2010 Men's Conference  "live godly"

Scott, Leander and myself made it down to Calvary Chapel Friday evening and met up with Bruce Duncan who was already in Ft. Lauderdale.  Wow is all I can say – I went with an open mind, a servants heart and fervent prayer that the Lord would infuse into me what He thought was important for me to learn and understand – mission accomplished beyond my initial hopes and dreams.  I am somewhat embarrassed in the fact that I couldn’t tell you one thing about Friday’s sermon and a handful of things on Saturday mornings sermon but God’s graciousness and mercy cemented into my brain the two breakout sessions.  The proverbial light bulb came on concerning many things and I have a much better understanding of LIFES greatest challenges!  My life will be forever changed and all thanks and praise goes to our savior Jesus Christ! 

The Calvary Chapel bookstore should have the DVD’s of the sermons and CD’s of the breakout sessions available in a couple of weeks if you are interested.  They said to call 954-970-8759 if you would like a copy.  Below are the breakout sessions which were available:          

Breakout Sessions:
~Godly Men in Friendship-doing life together - Pastor Greg Anderson and Pastor David Gordon
~Godly Men in Fathering-doing dad well - Dr. Bob Barnes and Pastor Doug Sauder
~Godly Men in Athletics-life in the limelight
~Godly Men in Crisis
~Godly Men in Business-commerce and Christianity collide
~Godly Men in Finances-managing our resources
~Godly Men in Marriage-blessing our spouse
Last weeks Question:

Was not discussed this week – save for next meeting!

Discussion then centered on a question Scott posed to the group prior to the meeting, “What happens to those people who have never heard about Jesus?”  Chapter 7 of David Platt’s book Radical discusses that exact question.  He states there are 1.5 billion people who are currently classified as “unreached” and “unengaged” who will die without ever hearing the gospel.  David Platt states “All people know God, and all people reject God.  All people are guilty before God, and all people are condemned for rejecting god.  God has made a way of salvation for the lost, and people cannot come to God part from faith in Christ.  As a result, Christ commands the church to make the gospel know to all peoples.”  Spend time in Romans and pay close attention to Romans 10 v:14-15 which makes mention of those who have not heard the gospel and how beautiful are the feet of the messengers who bring the good news.  How beautiful are our feet?    
If you have not read “Radical” I would encourage you to pick up a copy.


We as a board would like to fast prior to the next board meeting of Tuesday October 5th.  Some of us will begin fasting on Monday but use your own personal preference how you would like to fast.

Next board meeting is scheduled for October 5, 2010.

The meeting was closed in prayer by all in attendance.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes.  If they should need to be amended I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of October 5, 2010.  Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 5th.

Stephen Davis
Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
September 7, 2010

Board members present: Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Tom Wrenn, Lou Canevari, Mike Bevis, Maurice Wilson and Leander Collette
Board members absent: Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed, Terry Weaver, Walt Kohl and Keith Campbell
Others attending: None
Meeting commenced 7:32 pm

Leander opened the meeting in prayer.

JOM Update:
Discussion centered on an update of the house plans in that a few changes to the layout have been discussed and that Grif was working on redrawing the plans. The purchase of the lot was proceeding as planned and we should hear from Tim Sheehan’s office any day that all documents are ready for closing. Tom Wrenn confirmed the zoning set-backs to be 10’ on the sides, 25’ front and 20’ in the rear and that the house square footage cannot exceed 30% of the total lot size.

There was discussion on the $20,000 challenge. We currently have $11,000 of the $20,000 in matching funds so be sure to keep this in your prayers so that God will show up in a big way!

2010 Men's Conference "live godly"
Scott also again mentioned the Men’s Conference which is being held at Calvary Chapel. It starts Friday evening at 7 pm so the thought was to leave Lake Placid at 3 pm to be able to eat in Ft. Lauderdale before the conference. I (Steve) have made some inquiries about rooms so I should know what is available by this weekend. Scott would like to know who can make it ASAP.

Following is the information on the conference as well as a link which will take you to Calvary Chapel Men’s Ministry web page and a link to register for the conference.

When: September 17 & 18
Where: Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Campus
Cost: $35.00 per guy...includes conference packet, snacks and lunch
Conference t-shirts will be made available at the conference for $10 while supplies last!

Conference Schedule:
Friday Night:
7:00-9:30 pm - Teaching (Session I) Pastor Don and Extended Worship w/ Mark Roach
9:45-10:30 pm - Guy Fellowship on the Plaza with REACH FM.

8:00-9:30 am - Worship and Teaching (Session II) Pastor Don
9:30-10:00 am – Break
10:00-11:15 am - Breakout 1
11:30-12:45 pm - Breakout 2
OR 10:00-12:45 pm - Outreach Option (in lieu of Breakout 1 & 2)
1:00-2:30 pm - BBQ Lunch Together

Breakout Sessions:
~Godly Men in Friendship-doing life together - Pastor Greg Anderson and Pastor David Gordon
~Godly Men in Fathering-doing dad well - Dr. Bob Barnes and Pastor Doug Sauder
~Godly Men in Athletics-life in the limelight
~Godly Men in Crisis
~Godly Men in Business-commerce and Christianity collide
~Godly Men in Finances-managing our resources
~Godly Men in Marriage-blessing our spouse
Outreach Option (in lieu of Breakout Sessions 1 & 2):
~Godly Men in Outreach-men on a mission - Pastor Jym Kay, lead guys to go off campus from 10:00 to 12:45 pm

Discussion then centered on a question Scott posed to the group prior to the meeting, “What happens to those people who have never heard about Jesus?” Chapter 7 of David Platt’s book Radical discusses that exact question. He states there are 1.5 billion people who are currently classified as “unreached” and “unengaged” who will die without ever hearing the gospel. David Platt states “All people know God, and all people reject God. All people are guilty before God, and all people are condemned for rejecting God. God has made a way of salvation for the lost, and people cannot come to God part from faith in Christ. As a result, Christ commands the church to make the gospel know to all peoples.” Spend time in Romans and pay close attention to Romans 10 v:14-15 which makes mention of those who have not heard the gospel and how beautiful are the feet of the messengers who bring the good news. How beautiful are our feet?

If you have not read “Radical” I would encourage you to pick up a copy.

Next board meeting is scheduled for September 21, 2010.

The meeting was closed in prayer by Scott.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes. If they should need to be amended I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of September 21, 2010. Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 21st.

Stephen Davis
Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
August 24, 2010
Board members present: Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Tom Wrenn, Walt Kohl, Lou Canevari, Mike Bevis, Maurice Wilson and Keith Campbell
Board members absent, Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed, Terry Weaver, Leander Collette
Others attending: None
Meeting commenced 7:26 pm

Scott opened the meeting with discussion concerning “Kingdom Builders” and with the concern that maybe, as an organization, we are possibly too focused on projects versus reaching out to others and preaching the Gospel message. As “Kingdom Builders” can we/should we find a good balance between the two?

That led Scott into discussion on the “HOPE PROGRAM” which is 10 Broward County churches who have partnered together to make a difference in the lives of those who have found themselves homeless. It is a program that is faith based and shows the love of our Lord Jesus Christ while allowing those involved in the program to spread the gospel message.

Scott also mentioned a Men’s Conference which is being held at Calvary Chapel. It starts Friday evening at 7 pm so that will allow some of us to work Friday if needed. Check your schedules ASAP and let us know who is interested. Following is the information on the conference as well as a link which will take you to Calvary Chapel Men’s Ministry web page and a link to register for the conference.

2010 Men's Conference "live godly"
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that…we should live…godly in the present age…”-Titus 2:11-12 NKJV

When: September 17 & 18
Where: Calvary Chapel, Fort Lauderdale Campus
Cost: $35.00 per guy...includes conference packet, snacks and lunch

Conference t-shirts will be made available at the conference for $10 while supplies last!

Conference Schedule:
Friday Night: 7:00-9:30 pm - Teaching (Session I) Pastor Don and Extended Worship w/ Mark Roach
9:45-10:30 pm - Guy Fellowship on the Plaza with REACH FM.

8:00-9:30 am - Worship and Teaching (Session II) Pastor Don
9:30-10:00 am – Break
10:00-11:15 am - Breakout 1
11:30-12:45 pm - Breakout 2
OR 10:00-12:45 pm - Outreach Option (in lieu of Breakout 1 & 2)
1:00-2:30 pm - BBQ Lunch Together

Breakout Sessions:
~Godly Men in Friendship-doing life together - Pastor Greg Anderson and Pastor David Gordon
~Godly Men in Fathering-doing dad well - Dr. Bob Barnes and Pastor Doug Sauder
~Godly Men in Athletics-life in the limelight
~Godly Men in Crisis
~Godly Men in Business-commerce and Christianity collide
~Godly Men in Finances-managing our resources
~Godly Men in Marriage-blessing our spouse
Outreach Option (in lieu of Breakout Sessions 1 & 2):
~Godly Men in Outreach-men on a mission - Pastor Jym Kay, lead guys to go off campus from 10:00 to 12:45 pm

JOM Update:
We reviewed the first set of preliminary plans which Grif Broach drew. Next step will be to get together with Grif and make any needed floor plan changes. I spoke with Tim Sheehan Wednesday morning (August 25, 2010) and he is proceeding with the title insurance process and it should be completed by the middle of next week. Thus the lot purchase is drawing close.

There was some discussion on the $20,000 challenge. We currently have $6,000 of the $20,000 in matching funds so be sure to keep this in your prayers so that God will show up in a big way!

Next board meeting is scheduled for September 7, 2010.

The meeting was closed in prayer by Keith, Maurice and Scott.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes. If they should need to be amended I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of September 7, 2010. Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 7th.

Stephen Davis

Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
August 3, 2010
Board members present: Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Tom Wrenn, Walt Kohl, Terry Weaver, Leander Collette
Board members absent: Lou Canevari, Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed, Mike Bevis Maurice Wilson, Keith Campbell
Others attending: None
Meeting commenced 7:20 pm
Scott opened the meeting in prayer.

 Golf Tournament – First item on the agenda was discussion of the good, the bad and general feelings on the golf tournament. Food was the main topic and discussion centered on that if we do a buffet-style lunch again that it would be best to have someone serving the meat portion of the meal which would guarantee everyone is served without having to wait for additional meat to be cooked or going without. Most of the comments heard from those who played in the tournament was very positive. The string format was received well with a few golfers stating they would rather have a mulligan or two. Also there were golfers who wanted to buy greenies out on the course. Should we limit the number of “greenie” tickets to just one entry per par three hole? Would it make sense to go to two-man teams next year so that they would handle each others string which would limit the number of volunteers that would be needed on the course? Everyone agreed that hole-in-one prizes needed to be added along with more manly prizes for tournament next year. Scott mentioned that the golf tournament raised right at $5,000. We went over the “thank you” list to confirm contact names and addresses for those who were a part of making the tournament such a success. Renee Kohl has agreed to send the thank you letters (thanks Renee).

 JOM Update – The $1,000 escrow check held at Mike Rider’s office on the contract for the house located at 315 Sirena Drive was returned to us as we have rescinded that contract.

 Volunteer Application – Keith put together a three (3) page volunteer application for us to review. It is very detailed and questions came up whether or not some of the questions could or should be on the form. Terry Weaver was going to make contact with some human resources personnel and report back to the board. Great job Keith!!!!!

 Media Update – Scott did not have a chance to touch base with Leesburg FBC on how they handle the media for their events and ministries. Terry agreed to try and meet with them and somewhat spearhead the media relations aspect of Kingdom Builders. Scott and possibly one other individual would be a part of this endeavor.
 Financial Update – Scott reported that we currently show $52,389 in our account. God has truly blessed this project so far and I am confident He will show up in a big way once we start to break ground.

 Lot 8 Status – I spoke with Tim Sheehan’s office on August 3rd and Tim will be out of the office till next week. His office stated that they are in the middle of the title search process and will hopefully have that done fairly quickly. Tim will contact me next week when he is back in town. The lot survey has been completed by Bud Whitlock and I have picked it up and it will be available for review at the initial house-plan meeting Thursday evening at 6 pm at FBCLP. Bud and his staff have stepped forward once again to help Kingdom Builders.

 House Plans – As stated above, the first of many meetings to start the design process will be this Thursday (August 5th) with Grif Broach, the Campbell’s and those with construction knowledge at 6:00 pm at FBCLP. I am excited to see what God does through Grif and the others through this process. Grifs dedication to God’s plan through the donation of his time and expertise has been a real blessing for Kingdom Builders.

 Construction Phase – Bo Seignious has agreed to once again help in a supervisory role during the construction phase along with Tom Wrenn and possibly Mike Bevis. Walt Kohl also has agreed to do whatever should need to be done.

 Silent Auction – Leander was going to call Placid Lakes Country Club and cancel the October 23rd date for the silent auction. There was discussion on whether to have it or not, if so, when, where and who would coordinate the event. I agreed to make some contacts with individuals (women) who have expertise in these type of events and to see if they would be interested in helping us.

Next board meeting was scheduled for August 17, 2010.

Scott closed the meeting in prayer.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes. If they should need to be amended I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of August 17, 2010. Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 17rd.

Stephen Davis

Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
July 20, 2010

Board members present: Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Mike Bevis, Maurice Wilson, Tom Wrenn, Walt Kohl, Keith Campbell
Board members absent: Terry Weaver, Leander Collette, Lou Canevari, Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed
Others attending: Carol Heausler
Meeting commenced 7:17 pm

Scott opened the meeting in prayer.

Carol had heard about Kingdom Builders Ministries and was interested to learn more about the organization.

It was decided to do the final golf tourney wrap-up next meeting when Leander is back in town. Some remarks made were that everyone had a great time and some people had a few minor suggestions for the tournament next year.

Next item of discussion had to do with media and public relations and how to best handle it. Scott mentioned that Paul Von Merveldt and a few deacons from FBCLP visited Leesburg FBC and they made mention to Paul and the group that they try to publicize their ministry events as much as possible. Scott is going to try and make contact with the Leesburg FBC to try and gain a little more insight from them on this issue. The prevailing thought of the group is that one person should be the “media figure” that all things media-related are funneled through.

JOM project report: The purchase of Lot 8 on Jackson Drive from the Jackson family is in the works. Tim Sheehan has been retained by the Jackson’s to formalize the deal and hopefully that process can be completed within the next 30 days. Bud Whitlock has been contacted to do the survey of the lot (with tree info) so that the house plan process may begin. ** Mr. Whitlock stated he would have it done by the end of July at the latest. ** Keith and Dawn were to look at their schedule (haha) to try and set a time and date for a house plan planning meeting. At that meeting we hope to have Grif Broach (Draftsman), Mike Bevis and Tom Wrenn. ** Grif Broach said he is available to meet any evening. ** A question was raised whether or not there is a possibility of receiving any grant money for the project. Cathy Britt did a tremendous job in the grant process for us on our last project so we will try and contact her. ** I spoke with Cathy Britt the morning of July 22 and she stated she would be seeing a representative with the Lattner Family Foundation (who helped us tremendously with our Grandma Bet project) this weekend and would check to see what their donation cycle is and if this project would be of interest to them. Cathy said she would try to help us with the grant process and way she could. **

A short mention was also made concerning Keith’s hope to be able to streamline and lower the cost of the adoption process for those who wish to adopt God’s “special needs” children. Hopefully we can get more involved in this process at a later date.

Some discussion took place on the board meeting format as far as guests attending the board meetings. Item was tabled for further discussion.

Keith Campbell accepted the challenge of setting up a format to collect and assimilate contact information of those individuals who desire to help Kingdom Builders Ministries grow and develop God’s Kingdom.

Next board meeting was scheduled for August 3, 2010.
Keith Campbell closed the meeting in prayer.
Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes. If they should need to be amended I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of August 3, 2010. Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 3rd.
Stephen Davis

**……..** info per phone calls of July 22, 2010

Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
July 6, 2010

Board members present: Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Lou Canevari, Mike Bevis, Maurice Wilson, Tom Wrenn, Leander Collette & Walt Kohl
Board members absent: Keith Campbell, Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed, Terry Weaver
Others attending: Renee Kohl, Cheryl Davis, Darrell Heckman
Meeting commenced 7:15 pm

Scott Seignious opened the meeting in prayer with Hebrews 13:15-16 (New International Version) 15Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. 16And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

The June 29, 2010 minutes were approved as presented.

Scott stated that he had spoken with Tommy Jackson III concerning their families Lot 8 in the Lake Sirena Shores subdivision and they have offered that lot to us for $10,000. It was determined that the dimensions of the lot was 144’ (road) by 110’ by 128’ by 178’. Cheryl stated that the town setbacks were 25’ front and rear and 10’ on the sides. There was some discussion whether or not the lot would be large enough to meet the needs of the JOM project. With the above setbacks you could conceivably build at least a 60’ x 100’ home thus there was unanimous consensus of the board that the lot was more than adequate for the JOM project. Maurice Wilson made a motion, Tom Wrenn 2nd that we should proceed with the purchase of the lot for the JOM project. Those present voted all in favor, none opposed. Discussion centered on the need to speak with Mike Rider, John Davis & Lisa Harris on the particulars of what name should the contract be in, etc. Steve and Scott agreed to make contact with the above individuals to procure their expertise in the above matter.


Leander stated that he would be out at Placid Lakes CC by 5 pm Friday to go over last minute preparation for the golf tournament Saturday morning. Others stated they would try to make it as well. Items discussed were as follows:

(1) Lou was getting coolers and ice Friday evening;
(2) Heartland National was delivering water to Automotive Point;
(3) Steve has 10 cases of water at his house that he needs to get to Lou;
(4) Herman Mott will be handling the putting contest and has his own tent, etc;
(5) Pastor Brett Morey would give the prayer;
(6) Steve & Walt would provide the rules instruction on the string & greenies;
(7) Scott to get (14) scissors and a roll of green tickets for the greenies contest;
(8) Darrell would provide a used roll of different colored tickets for the putting  
      contest, three coolers and the raffle barrel.
(9) Renee and Cheryl have organized the signup process, morning coffee, orange   
      juice and cup cakes as well as obtaining and managing all of the volunteer
(10) All golfers would tee off from the blue tees except for those men 80 and
       over (gold) and the ladies (red).
(11) Boat raffle will be held after the lunch and possibly that Khia (Keith and
       Dawn’s first adopted child) would pull the winning boat raffle ticket.

Also Steve would touch base with John Davis concerning the transferring of title out of Leander’s name.

Leander closed the meeting with prayer.

Next meeting will be July 20, 2010 at 7:00 pm at First Baptist Church.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes. IF they should need to be corrected I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of July 20, 2010. Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 20th.

Stephen Davis
Kingdom Builders Ministries Meeting
June 29, 2010
Board members present: Scott Seignious, Stephen Davis, Terry Weaver, Lou Canevari, Mike Bevis, Maurice Wilson, Tom Wrenn, Leander Collette, & Walt Kohl

Board members absent: Keith Campbell, Paul Britt, Steven Hollingsed
Others attending: Renee Kohl
Meeting commenced 7:13 pm

First item discussed was the golf tournament scheduled for July 10. Terry Weaver made a motion, Leander Collette 2nd that board members will not be eligible to win any prizes. Those present voted all in favor, none opposed. A big thank you to Walt and Renee for mailing out around 300 sign-up forms to the Sertoma’s golfer list which Scott Albritton provided thanks to Leander’s call.

There was discussion and agreement that the cost for greenies (4 par 3’s) and the putting contest would be $5 each or $20 for all 5. Also agreed the raffle tickets would be $5 each or 5 for $20. String would be $2 per foot with a maximum per player of 10 feet. Boat raffle tickets would remain $20 per ticket with 6 tickets for $100. Also there was discussion on having a “package” which would include the greenies and putting contest, 5 raffle tickets, 10 foot of string, and a boat raffle ticket for a discounted price but no consensus on cost. Possibly we could remove the boat raffle ticket and sell the package for $50 ($60 value) since some people may have already purchased boat tickets? We would use the red tickets we currently have for the 50/50 and we will need to get a roll of green tickets for the greenies and putting contest. Leander had a roll of yellow mason string (500 ft or so?). If we have 100 golfers (25 teams) at 10 ft each that is 1,000 ft so we will hopefully need more string.

Discussion ensued on how the string could be used and it was decided it could only be used on the putting surface (no fringe). I am having second thoughts on the “no fringe” and think we may need to reconsider that. Also it was decided that the ball must be putted into the hole as you could not use the string to place the ball in the hole thus eliminating a stroke.

There was discussion concerning the greenies that if no one hit one or more of the 4 par 3 greens that the money from those holes in question would be added to those holes in which a green was hit.

Renee stated she would have two sign-up people so as to be better able to keep track of the funds and where that money needed to be allocated. Renee said she had enough people for every hole and has advised them to bring their own chair, hat and sunscreen. I believe you will want to have at least two people on each hole do to bathroom breaks and boredom. They may want to bring a small cooler as well (we can provide the ice & water) as well as a shade source if they have one. Please round up as many umbrellas and small tents as you can prior to Tuesdays meeting. A HUGE thanks to Renee for heading up the volunteers and coordinating all of them.

Maurice Wilson agreed to man the boat station along with whomever else would like to help out. Lou Canevari agreed to be responsible for the water coolers and ice. I have probably 10 cases of water from what was purchased for the motorcycle event. It would probably be a good idea to set-up 4 or 5 Gatorade drink coolers (I have two 10 gallon coolers).  Cheryl Davis is working with Renee to put together a “goodie” bag along with coffee, orange juice, donuts, etc.

Leander asked Scott if he could move the golf fundraiser info to the HOME page of the blog site.


Mike Bevis and Maurice Wilson made a motion and 2nd to “move forward” (Terry Weaver) with the prospect of procuring a lot or lots for the JOM project and to assign the current real estate contract offer on Mike Riders’ old house to Walt and/or Renee Kohl. Walt and Renee have tried to purchase this house in the past and were gracious enough to step aside to allow us to pursue the purchase of the house for the JOM project. Thus the feeling of the board is that the contract should be assigned to the Kohl’s. Those present voted all in favor, none opposed. This contract in question is in the name of First Baptist Church so we may or may not have the authority to make that decision thus the church will need to be made aware of the Kingdom Builders wishes in regard to the contract and the house.

Scott has been in contact with Tommy Jackson III concerning the offer Tommy’s dad made to us for Lots 5 & 6 in Block 4 of the Lake Sirena Shores subdivision. There was concern about the amount of traffic on both Marquata Drive and Lake Drive East. Scott asked Tommy III if there was any possibility if their family would sell Lot 8 in Block 4 on Jackson Drive for the JOM project. Tommy III was going to speak with his father concerning that and hopefully Scott will be able to report back to the board at our meeting July 6, 2010. Also there is interest in Lot 3 which is the adjoining lot to the West of Lot 8 which is for sale at an asking price of $22,000 (owners paid $36,000 July 2005). This lot is unique in that it spans from Jackson Drive to Marquata Drive. The dimensions of Lot 8 are 127’ by 144’ while Lot 3 is 90’ by 207’.

The motorcycle “Poker Run” event was a success and was noted thank you letters needed to be sent to those businesses/individuals which allowed us to use their premises: Trails End Fish Camp, TJ’s Leather, John F. Smoak Jr., Smoak Groves, Inc. and lastly Charles Reynolds. I will forward their mailing addresses to Scott so that letters can be sent.

Next board meeting will be next Tuesday (July 6) at 7:00 pm at First Baptist Church.

Please advise of any notations or corrections which need to be made to these minutes. If they should need to be corrected I will send out a revised copy prior to the board meeting of July 6, 2010. Otherwise be prepared to approve these minutes, as read, at the meeting on the 6th.

Stephen Davis